Do you know how white noise machines can help and why it's a great item to purchase for a new nursery? Recommending items for your new nursery can be step #1 in our very important journey together.

Do you know why breast milk is considered liquid gold? Do you know what Martek's DHA/ARA is? Do you know what's in Soy Formula? All great questions that I can assist you with.

Did you know that 40% of all babies are sleep deprived? Just like we know it's important for adults to get a good nights sleep, it is for babies as well.

Reflux? Colic?

Do you know why they call Johnson & Johnson's "no more tears"?

These are all great questions I wish I knew when my two beautiful boys were born. Although, they are now 17 and 20 which brings another great question to mind. I love my mother dearly and mother-in-law but when was the last time they had a baby? A lot of things change over the years and they can be a great support system although not the most up to date when it comes to advise. You may want to cut out some of the chemicals, etc.

Can they help with this? I can!

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